Why do we so willfully defend our mistreatment of and cruelty to some mothers and their children while fighting for the rights of others?
“For the past 19 months, I have been immersed in the sacred experience of
breastfeeding my son. There is not a day that goes by that I am not aware of
how lucky I am. That my body has responded to the birth of my child exactly
as nature intended, producing the hormones and milk necessary for me to
provide my boy with all he needs, is nothing short of mind-blowing. And
although it has not always been easy— I have battled 3 rounds of
horrifyingly painful mastitis— it is something for which I will remain
forever grateful.
Although not every mother chooses to breastfeed, it is widely understood
that it is her right to do so for the simple reason that the child is hers
and she can care for him/her as she sees fit. Yet this is a right grossly
denied to animal mothers exploited by the dairy industry.
Why do we so willfully defend our mistreatment of and cruelty to some
mothers and their children while fighting for the rights of others?
I can say with great conviction that I would rather die before having my
child ripped from me and my milk stolen and sold as a commodity. But this is
the sad reality of the dairy industry. And to anyone who may feel my
comparison goes too far, I will respectfully respond that while we are still
forcefully impregnating animals of other species only to steal and kill
their babies for whom the milk is intended, I haven’t even begun to go far
Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.
0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows / calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons/other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels / camelids