As tempests rage across the globe, we have witnessed, and will continue to see, nightmarish images of our captive victims in the hellholes where they have drowned, or have been incinerated by climate-wrought floods and fires.
Image from 2015 is of a pig tied down in a flooded shed, alive amongst
the dead. By Tras los
Planet Earth is experiencing an escalation of extreme weather events.
This escalation will continue for as long as we fail so utterly to grasp
that one of the main causes – if not the main cause – is our own brutality;
our needless use and slaughter of trillions of sentient individuals every
single year to indulge dietary preferences that are entirely unnecessary.
Unless we embrace this truth and act, both as individuals becoming vegan,
and collectively as societies demanding the end of the institution we know
as ‘animal agriculture’, our species will suffer greatly, probably to the
point of extinction.
We are no longer vaguely contemplating some distant eventuality that need
not concern us as the short-lived organisms that we humans are; the
consequences of our failure to act are sweeping down upon us with the
velocity and force of an avalanche. You and I may well suffer devastating
impacts upon food availability, our homes and our lifestyles, and with the
passage of time, our children will suffer even more than we do. When we are
dead and gone, will they ask why we didn’t do anything while we could still
have made a difference? They’ll have every right to do that, and I can’t
think of anything that could excuse our negligence.
Everybody hurts, everybody loses
As tempests rage across the globe, we have witnessed, and will continue to
see, nightmarish images of our captive victims in the hellholes where they
have drowned, or have been incinerated by climate-wrought floods and fires.
We will be shown the pits where their often still-living selves are being
covered with lime and buried in efforts to contain the rampant diseases
unleashed by our greed for greater profit in a world already terminally
overburdened by the weight of the trillions of lives brought into being by
our interference in their reproduction; their numbers raised to impossible
levels by human hands as they ‘breed’ and artificially inseminate the
innocent for use as the resources of our single, brutal, predatory, species.
Images such as I describe are hard to look at. The blackened ashes no longer
indentifiable as ever having lived or breathed, the bloated corpses bobbing
alone or in groups on the surface of putrid floodwater, images that echo
with the screams of fear and panic that we can imagine only too well.
Suddenly, in these pathetic corpses, we can’t avoid awareness of their
ordeal and the veil of our own delusion of superiority slips, however
briefly. We suddenly recognise just how much we have in common with the
tragic, bobbing dead, with their mottled, gas-filled bellies, mouths gaping
in grimaces of their dying agony. We would need to be fools indeed not to
see ourselves in their plight, not to empathise with their horror and
despair as death approached and there was no escape. What would we have
done? How could we have endured to see our loved ones share our death
throes, each powerless to do a single thing to help the other?
And here, in this brief glimpse that acknowledges our kinship with the dead,
our shared sentience, we must try to find and grasp the key that unlocks the
myths of our presumed but mistaken need to inflict the inevitable
consequences of our violence and brutality upon all other species on the
With the horror, comes anger and disgust
So often the images I’ve mentioned provoke strong reactions in those who see
them. Outraged viewers insist furiously that such barbarity should not be
permitted; should be legislated against; that it should not go unpunished.
The vitriol pours on a tide of righteous indignation. However to free
ourselves of our delusions, we must first face a few harsh truths and we
must do so unflinchingly.
All of the individuals whom we see portrayed in the nightmarish images were
on death row. They were born and they were hatched on death row. They were
there because we, as consumers, continue to demand their young and broken
bodies for our use and consumption. We do this despite the fact that it is
completely unnecessary. By being individuals who use our cash to buy
substances and services derived from the unconsenting bodies of others, we
make it absolutely clear that we consider them to be nothing other than
commodities for our use, at the expense of their own lives and interests.
Regardless of the myths of entitlement and justification with which we seek
to justify our atrocities, this is the stripped-down truth of the matter.
We cannot logically profess to care about them as living, breathing,
sentient individuals with feelings exactly like our own, (or indeed expect
anyone else to care in that way) when the only reason they have been caused
to exist, is to deprive them of the lives that they so desperately want to
live after keeping them alive as economically as possible until the most
financially profitable time for them to be slaughtered in cold blood.
Abandonment to disease, to fire, flood and tempest is horrific. No sensible
person can deny this.
Who are the real monsters?
However the ordeal that they endure in the legally sanctioned regime of
oppression that is nonveganism, in order to be used for their breast milk,
their eggs, their flayed skin, their body parts, dead flesh, forced labour
or as test subjects tortured in the name of ‘science’ is not in any sense a
better option. Yet that is the legally-sanctioned and inevitable reality.
From violent conception to slaughter via an existence that minimises costs
to maximise profit, our standard practice is a gory and brutal process. They
plead and they whimper in terror and agony but are ignored in the name of
industry profit and consumer convenience.
So when we see those horrific images of fire, flood and disease, we need to
be outraged; we need to be disgusted. But we also need to be honest about
exactly where the responsibility lies. That means that we must stop being
the reason that they were in those hell-holes to begin with.
Make no mistake. We are now in the midst of the fight of our lives; the
fight for THEIR lives, and the fight for the very existence of our living
world. The planet we are destroying is theirs as much as ours. As we saw off
the branch our species is sitting on, we must remember that our victims are
sitting alongside us, helpless passengers on our journey to ruin.
We need to become vegan and there’s not a moment to lose.
Number of animals killed in the world by the fishing, meat, dairy and egg industries, since you opened this webpage.
0 marine animals
0 chickens
0 ducks
0 pigs
0 rabbits
0 turkeys
0 geese
0 sheep
0 goats
0 cows / calves
0 rodents
0 pigeons/other birds
0 buffaloes
0 dogs
0 cats
0 horses
0 donkeys and mules
0 camels / camelids