Badgering the Wolverine
Dear Editor,
After reading Joyce Campbell�s article,
�Wolverine nabbed on Harts Pass� (February 15, 2006), I have to object, on
behalf of �Melanie� and mustelids everywhere, to the ham-fisted treatment
of the animal trapped by Forest Service and state biologists.
Rather than taking the word of witnesses
who have come across wolverines (or wolves or grizzlies for that matter)
here in Washington, the �experts� have to go out to catch one for
themselves. But their skepticism and obsession with data collecting can
have dire consequences for an animal stuck in a trap for hours or days
that must seem like weeks. Melanie, the young wolverine trapped at Harts
Pass, was jabbed with a needle on the end of a stick, immobilized,
handled, her ears were tagged, and she was fitted with an awkward
radio-collar. It seems the biologists at the scene badgered their captive
in every way possible, short of sending her to Abu Ghraib, or on a hunting
trip with Dick Cheney.
Worst of all, meddling in the life of a
rare and reclusive animal, keeping her confined in a trap until wolverine
authorities from as far away as Missoula, Montana could make the trip
across two states to get some hands-on of their own, may have separated
the yearling from her mother. Mom likely stayed around until people roared
into the area on snowmobiles, forcing her to abandon her trapped offspring
and reluctantly retreat further into the wilderness. We can only hope the
animals eventually find each other or that Melanie learns to survive on
her own.
Years ago, I reported seeing a wolverine
at her den in the North Cascades, but did not divulge the location, for
fear that someone would march out there to trap, collar or otherwise
traumatize the animal. Now I�m glad I didn�t.
Jim Robertson