Owners Of B.E.A.R.C.A.T. Hollow Face More Charges
Aug 19, 2004 10:37 am US/Central
(WCCO) The owners of B.E.A.R.C.A.T.
Hollow, near Racine, Minn., have been charged in federal court with
conspiring to violate laws pertaining to wildlife.
Kenneth Kraft and his wife Nancy were
named in a 55-count indictment along with seven other people.
The indictment alleges the Krafts
illegally bought or sold more than $200,000 worth of endangered or
threatened animals between 1999 and 2003, violating interstate provisions
of the Endangered Species Act and the Lacey Act.
It is illegal to buy or sell animals
that have been identified as endangered or threatened under the Endangered
Species Act. The Lacey Act makes it illegal to buy or sell endangered or
threatened animals with a value of more than $350. It is also illegal to
create or submit a false record for any such wildlife.
Tigers, grizzly bears and leopards
are among the animals the Krafts bought and sold illegally. The indictment
said the Krafts advertised their interests on the internet and through a
national exotic animal guide.
Kenneth Kraft is also charged with
tampering with a witness. The indictment alleges Kenneth Kraft instructed
a person to tell federal officials the animals the witness had bought from
Kraft were donated, not purchased.
If convicted on the wildlife charges,
the Krafts could each face five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. If
Kenneth Kraft is convicted to tampering with a witness, he could face 20
years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
The other defendants named in the
indictment are:
-Robert Baudy, from Florida
-Marcus Cook, from Texas
-Troy Hyde, from Montana
-Hans Lueck, from Washington
-Merle Multhauf, from Wisconsin
-Craig Perry, from Iowa
-James Rienow from Wisconsin
B.E.A.R.C.A.T. Hollow stands for
Beautiful Endangered And Rare, Conservation And Therapy. The park recently