COLD NOSES II: Examining More Evidence
From All Creatures Book and Video Review Guide

Author: Gary Kurz





Copyright April, 2001
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
ISBN # 0-9666117-1-3

Ordering Information:



We read this book right after finishing Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates and found it even more compelling in its presentation of the fact that animals do go to heaven.  This book is particularly important for those who are grieving the loss of a beloved companion animal.

While reading Cold Noses II we felt as though Gary Kurz was a friend conversing with us.  His warm, caring personality shines through his writing as he guides you through the Bible, God’s inspired Word.

The wonderful thing about these books, and this one in particular, is that no matter what the original purpose of the readers for reading them might be, they can gain a renewed purpose in life and a peace "that surpasses all understanding".

We recommend reading both books and keeping them as references.



In response to an extraordinary number of requests from readers to give them more, the author of Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates offers his sequel Cold Noses II. Exploring the Bible verses on the subject, the author provides both thoughtful and thought-provoking commentary concerning the future of animals, in particular, those we call pets.

In Cold Noses II, Gary Kurz picks up right where he left off with his previous book, applying his more than 17,000 hours of formal and personal Bible study, encouraging those who have suffered the loss of a dear pet by showing even more evidence of their continued existence. The author takes his gloves off in this presentation, separating fact from fiction and fantasy, and delivers a convincing case for those who are confused by some of the "new age". "feel good" ideas they have come across.

Through a website e-mail address, provided in his first book the author has provided follow-up assistance for those readers who have neeed more answers. Through hundreds of contacts with readers, he has identifies a variety of concerns that seem to be commonly held by those who have lost their best friends…concerns not anticipated in his first book, but addressed in earnest in Cold Noses II …such as, miracles., signs, visits from ghost pets, angelic influence, etc.

This book is a must read for anyone who wants to have a sound foundation on which to base their personal beliefs concerning the fate of their pets. Gary Kurz offers solid Biblical evidence for all the conclusions that he draws.


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