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Dear Mary/Frank,
You omitted to give the definition of the words �kill� and �animal".
Would you send me a copy of the Hebrew. What year was the authorship? Eg 1,2,3 CE etc.
My understanding is that the human is also classed as animal.
From your answer I must assume you to include creatures which need to be exterminated because of their negative effect in mankind. I�m sure you can think of hundreds which cause sickness and disease to the human race.
The history of the Essenes strongly suggests they did anything but follow the Mosaic Law.
Lived in Alexandria Egypt. 229 BCE � 100CE approx. It was they who wrote the original Old Testament and it was never written Hebrew it was written in their language Greek.
Spoke only Greek. Never spoke Hebrew.
Believed Tutankhamen was the son of righteousness who would return and be their saviour. From writing found on temple walls in Egypt and records found at the Nag Hammadi Library.
Should you truly wish to learn the truth there are modern Archaeological records which attest to their history.
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