Heifer Project International - Inhumanity in the Name of Humanity
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Heifer Project International - Inhumanity in the Name of Humanity
Comments by: Susanne Demarco - 12 Jan 2006
I am thankful to have found your article on heifer project international by Ellen Bring. it's excellent. I have been discouraging friends from misguidedly donating to this "charity" for years. I found out recently that a local girl scout troop is raising money (via cookie sales) to donate to hpi. I emailed out a letter to one of the troop mothers and attached the link for the article on your website.
I was surprised and disappointed that I found very little info on the web outlining the ignorance and arrogance of accepting as truth the hpi philosophy of charitable giving. I'm surprised more environmental and animal welfare groups don't have more posted on the internet to help increase public awareness to the danger and brutality of hpi's slick propaganda campaign.
Thank you for providing the help I needed!
S. Demarco
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