Heifer Project International - Inhumanity in the Name of Humanity
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Heifer Project International - Inhumanity in the Name of Humanity
Comments by: Ann - 17 Apr 2006
Thank you for for writing me back, I wasn't sure if you would.
I am sorry if a came across as a little hostile, I was just trying to get my point across.
I understand about not using animal agriculture. But with out animal agriculture we wouldn't have fertilizer to grow plant material in. Also the reason it is important for poor countries to raise livestock instead (or with) crops, is because crops may fail if it is to dry or to wet also in hard to grow crop areas it is easier to raise rabbits or small sheep/goats these animals don't eat as much and there manure in rich the soil for a better crop. but I will also look into HIPPO, I would like to see what they do around the world.
Thank you again for writing and I apologize if I seem rude, I am really trying not to be.
God Bless,
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