Heifer Project International - Inhumanity in the Name of Humanity
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Heifer Project International - Inhumanity in the Name of Humanity
Comments by: Dean Williams - 8 Dec 2003
I am a retired UCC pastor in Wheaton, IL who has a question for you. A friend who just sent in his money for a goal for HI asked me where that goat was going. I said I would try and find out. I called HI toll free number and got an abrupt response from the operator answering the phone when I asked who I could write or call with my question. She said, "We do not have that information and there is nobody you can call."
Now I can understand that it might be costly to have to spend money and time keeping track of where each animal is sent. On the other hand I believe it is really bad PR for HI when such a question is not answered.
Please help me to deal with people who demand answers to what they believe are simple questions. I remember not too many years ago when Save the Children program suffered serious damage, which began with their refusal to answer some simple questions.
Rev Dean Williams
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