In Reference to: Michael Jackson Did Not Love Animals
It was this article:
The author who wrote this isn't shy about calling Michael every name in
the book and it is obvious she hates him for reasons that have nothing to do
with animals. I believe she uses that as her outlet to trash him. What she
describes is nothing like what it was really like. I've actually been to
Neverland numerous times and I know Michael on an intimate basis - that
article is biased and untruthful.
As for his diet, he was a vegetarian for a long time but that changed a bit as he got older. From what I observed, his diet was mostly plant based and organic. Any meat dishes is a rarity, except for the occasional KFC trip. I don't agree with eating animals, obviously, but that doesn't mean someone can say he doesn't care. I know him and believe me, he truly does.
Of course, it is only a suggestion. I saw the 'Write us with your
comments' and had to stick up for my dear friend. He isn't the monster some
people portray him to be.
Thank you for writing back,