A Memorial for the Animals
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A Memorial for the Animals - 4 Aug 2002
Read the Sermon: A
Memorial for the Animals
Comments by Linda J. Shipp - 5 Jul 2003
Dear Rev. Hoffman,
What a beautiful sermon. It reminded me of Princess, my beloved canine companion of 15 years who passed away the day before Palm Sunday of this year. Your story of Nathan and Travelin was much like Princess and Missy (Princess' best friend). After Princess died, Missy was devastated. She still wanders through the house looking for her dear friend, Princess. It breaks my heart to see her so lonely. I try to do everything I can to comfort her and give her lots of love.
Your sermon was very comforting to me, as I, too, believe all animals go to heaven. How could animals not go to heaven. They have such a pure, loving spirit.
Thanks, again, for your words of comfort on allcreatures.org.
Linda Shipp
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