The Dilemma Caused by Being Vegetarian in a Christian Church

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The Dilemma Caused by Being Vegetarian in a Christian Church
Comments by Debra Stitt - 8 Apr 2008

Unfortunately, I think my point has been missed.

Just remember, meat eaters are just as stubborn as veg*ans!

Meat eaters feel that what they're doing is "more" right and less "kooky" than being veg*an. There are really very few who are educated on this subject. Yes, they see the news -- but they ignore it because it's not in line with their belief system.

Remember what Jesus said: "When two or more are gathered in my name. . . ." If you don't build your own congregation within the congregation, you will NEVER make any progress. Walk away from even one open mind, we have failed. That doesn't mean anyone should stay where they aren't wanted or where they feel threatened, but would Jesus abandon a meat eater? Nope -- he actually broke bread with them!

Go on to: Comments by Ray Barta - 8 Apr 2008
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