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The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation

This section is an acknowledgement of the people who are an active part of the Mission and Purpose of our Foundation, and who wish to be included in this section.

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Susan Alexander - Duluth, Minnesota USA

Susan AlexanderMy husband and I have been vegan since 2008.  I couldn't have been successful without the help of many websites, including all-creatures.org.  This website is a fabulous source of information and  provides ample "food for thought".  Frank and Mary Hoffman have given me a lot to "chew on" over the years.  (Pun intended.)  Seriously, I have spent hours on their website reading articles and downloading recipes.  Thank you, to all, who have made the website possible.

I don't think I could return to eating animal flesh and other products from animals.  I never found pleasure in handling raw flesh or biting into a burger and finding a chunk of bone.  I think humans have taken the wrong path with the horrors of factory farming and the overuse of antibiotics and hormones in our food supply.  Living in Duluth, Minnesota, (land of the never-ending winter) does present some challenges with growing my own food, but more and more vegan products are becoming available locally.  I have found a vegan diet pleasurable, easy, diverse, satisfying, and gratifying.

Frank and Mary Hoffman have connected veganism with their religious convictions, and I also feel that a vegan diet has a spiritual component.  I acknowledge that I am far from perfect, but I know I have no desire to intentionally bring harm to God's creatures.  I would kill in self-defense, but I have no need to slaughter innocent animals to provide nourishment for my body.  

It's is usually unnecessary, bad for the environment, inefficient, unhealthful, and usually (but not always) inhumane, to raise and slaughter animals for food.  I ate animals, and animal products because, 1)  it was how I was taught to eat; 2) eating animals was a habit, and 3) I purposefully tried to not think about the life of the animals I was consuming.  I suppose this is what is known as "willful ignorance", God help me.

I'm very happy with my choice to become vegan.  Veganism is a growing movement.  Vegans are ambassadors for this dietary and lifestyle choice.   I have a personal commitment to being respectful of those who make choices that differ from mine, while still being enthusiastic about my decision to eschew animal products.  I accept the challenge to carefully, tactfully, and respectfully share reasons for becoming vegan only when appropriate. 

Again, thanks to all "vegan ambassadors" for your continued enthusiasm and support.

Susan Alexander

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