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The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation

This section is an acknowledgement of the people who are an active part of the Mission and Purpose of our Foundation, and who wish to be included in this section.

If you would like to be included in this section, please submit a photo and comments about yourself and your activities.

Jan Fredericks - Wayne, New Jersey, USA

Jan FredericksFounded God's Creatures Ministry (GCM) in 2001 and she is currently Chairman of Catholic Concern for Animals in the USA (CCA-USA) since 2005. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Christian Educator. She graduated from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary and believes that the Word of God has much to say about our treatment of God's animals. She produced the PowerPoint presentation "God Knows...Animals Matter" and directed and produced the DVD (which can be seen online), "Christian Concern For All God's Creatures" based on GCM's 2006 conference.

Both organizations (GCM and CCA-USA) have a Veterinary Charity Fund to help people help animals. People across the country are helped and given forms if approved to raise their own funds in their area. One form is "Walk a Mile" which has been used as a social justice project. Anyone can raise funds to help themselves, their community and/or the Charity Fund to help others.

Jan believes in following Biblical principles when making daily decisions concerning animals. She believes that Church leaders need to actively teach about our responsibility of protecting God's creatures to fulfil our first commission as servants and good stewards. Jesus redeemed the whole world, but we as Christians need to follow His example to be reconcilers of creation in bringing God's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. How we view and treat animals (directly and indirectly), affects and reflects our relationship with God. Topics in the Bible concerning hunters, diet, and our general treatment of animals should be taught including circuses, rodeos, vivisection (animal research), the fur industry, horse and dog racing, and any other activities which exploits and abuses animals. They should live their lives as God created them to live for Him alone, to give Him praise (Psalm 150:6).

Some Scriptures Jan especially likes concerning our daily living with animals are: 1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 1:20; and Hebrews 4:13 which states that we will be held accountable someday for our treatment of creation including animals.

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