LogoAbout...Our Contributors, Friends, Supporters, and Volunteers
The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation

This section is an acknowledgement of the people who are an active part of the Mission and Purpose of our Foundation, and who wish to be included in this section.

If you would like to be included in this section, please submit a photo and comments about yourself and your activities.

Debra Stitt - North Olmsted, Ohio USA

Debra StittWhat a privilege it is to be an active participant in Frank's and Mary's group! I know that they would agree with me when I say this is "your" group!

As a member of over 10 years, and a willing participant even through tough times, the easy part is welcoming new members. This is, for lack of a better explanation, an elite group of individuals that are changing the world -- little by little, step by step. The best news of all, YOU ARE NOT ONLY INVITED, YOU ARE WELCOME!

It doesn't matter where you've been. Truly! What matters is where you're going! Your compassion and willingness to share your story is a blessing and a gift to all who are on the receiving end.

I know I'm supposed to share a little of my personal journey with you. I know we find inspiration in those with similar beliefs. Suffice it to say that my journey (since 1983), probably similar to yours, hasn't been a walk in the park." This should be GREAT news as it means you are in the right place! Your story doesn't have to be perfect. Conversely, your story helps others illuminate their path!

Have you hugged your furry child today? I just did -- five times over!

Articles by Debra Stitt:

Animal Stories Companion Animal Care: Spiritual Stories:

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