"Joyful Curmudgeon" An oxymoron?
No! I see all the beauty of God's creation and I'm joyful. At the same
time, I see all the suffering and corruption going on in the world, and feel
called to help expose and end it so that we may have true peace and compassion.
For today I’d like to share with you this prayer from the book Veggie Soup for the Chicken's Soul: Shameless Vision and Prayers for World Peace, Inner Peace, and Animal Liberation by Judy Carman, M.A.
Dear Lord of Heaven and Earth and All-That-Is,
You who are the energy of
whole and perfect love and light,
Move through me now as I focus my love and light
and as I focus the love and light that flows
through me from You in an endless stream.
Make me a beacon of your Love-light
and shine through me now.
I now focus this radiance
and this Divine Transforming Love
on all animal laboratories,
all factory farms and slaughterhouses,
all fur farms, circuses, zoos, marine
parks, rodeos, whaling ships, pesticide
and other chemical manufacturers,
fishing, hunting and trapping
organizations, and all other institutions
which cause the suffering of innocent beings.
I can see the cosmic rays
of Your Everlasting Love
pouring down upon these places.
Within this light, there can be
no fear
no hatred
no ignorance
no greed.
Within this light, there can be
And as these institutions are infused and blessed
by the light of your Love
I see those who work there being transformed,
as they open their eyes to see the glorious
beauty and sacredness in the animals there.
I see their hearts opening and finding the inner peace
that comes through loving kindness to all creation.
And as these institutions are bathed and blessed
by the light of your undying Love for all creation,
I see the animals feeling Your peace and Your comfort
as You embrace each one of them
and bless their spirits.
Help us, Father-Mother God,
to grow bolder and more fearless every day
and guide us closely and clearly
as we work and pray to end
the suffering of the innocents
and bring Your Heaven to earth.
And so it is.
Thank you, God.
For our review of the book Veggie Soup for the Chicken’s Soul, visit:
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