Just as President Eisenhower warned, Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 response has steadily deconstructed our democracy and elevated the powers of a tyrannical medical technocracy.... At very best, there must be some arrogance or imperiousness that enables Dr. Fauci to rationalize the suffering and deaths of children as acceptable collateral damage in what he sees as his noble search for new public health innovations.
Image from
Coat Waste Project
In 1965, my father kicked down the door of the Willowbrook State
School on Staten Island, where
pharmaceutical companies were
conducting cruel and often-deadly vaccine experiments on
incarcerated children.
Robert Kennedy declared Willowbrook a “snake pit” and promoted
legislation to close the institution and end the exploitation of
Fifty-five years later, national media and Democratic Party sachems
have beatified a man who presided over similar atrocities, somehow
elevating him to a kind of secular sainthood.
What dark flaw in Anthony Fauci’s character allowed him to oversee —
and then cover up — the
atrocities at
Incarnation Children’s Center?
At very best, there must be some arrogance or imperiousness that
enables Dr. Fauci to rationalize the suffering and deaths of
children as acceptable collateral damage in what he sees as his
noble search for new public health innovations.
At worst, he is a sociopath who has pushed science into the realm of
Recent disclosures support the latter interpretation. Freedom of
Information documents obtained in January 2021 by the White Coat
Waste project show that Dr. Fauci approved a
$424,000 NIAID grant in
2020 for experiments in which dogs were bitten to death by flies.
The insects carried a disease-carrying parasite that can affect
humans. The researchers strapped capsules containing infected flies
to the bare skin of twenty-eight healthy beagle puppies and kept
them in agonizing suffering for 196 days before euthanizing them.
NIAID acknowledged it subjected other animals, including mice,
Mongolian gerbils, and rhesus monkeys to similar experiments.
That same year, Dr. Fauci’s agency gave $400,000 to
University of
Pittsburgh scientists to
graft the scalps of aborted fetuses onto
living mice and rats. NIAID sought to develop rat and mouse “models”
using “full-thickness fetal skin” to “provide a platform for
studying human skin infections.”
Dr. Fauci’s sidekick and putative boss, Francis Collins — who casts
himself as a pious Catholic — kicked in a
$1.1 million sweetener
from NIH for this malignant project.
Of all the desperate public health needs in America, of all the pain
that a well spent $2 million might alleviate, Tony Fauci and his
government confederates deemed these demented and inhumane
experiments the most worthwhile expenditures of America’s taxpayer
These disclosures beg many other questions: From what moral
wilderness did the monsters who devised and condoned these
experiments descend upon our idealistic country? How have they
lately come to exercise such tyrannical power over our citizens?
What sort of nation are we if we allow them to continue? Most
trenchantly, does it not make sense that the malevolent minds, the
elastic ethics, the appalling judgment, the arrogance, and savagery
that sanctioned the barbaric brutalization of children at the
Incarceration Convent House, and the torture of animals for industry
profit, could also concoct a moral justification for suppressing
lifesaving remedies and prolonging a deadly epidemic?
Could these same dark alchemists justify a strategy of prioritizing
their $48 billion vaccine project ahead of public health and human
Did similar hubris — that deadly human impulse to play God — pave
the lethal path to Wuhan and fuel the reckless decision to hack the
codes of Creation and fabricate diabolical new forms of life —
pandemic superbugs — in a ramshackle laboratory with scientists
linked to the Chinese military?
On my birthday in January 1961, three days before I watched my uncle
John F. Kennedy take his oath as president of the United States,
outgoing President Dwight Eisenhower, in
his farewell address, warned our country about the
emergence of a Military Industrial Complex that would obliterate our
In that speech, Eisenhower made an equally urgent — although less
celebrated — warning against the emergence of a federal bureaucracy,
which, he believed, posed an equally dire threat to America’s
Constitution and her values:
“In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government. Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. . . . [We] must . . . be alert to the danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite.”
Eisenhower demanded that we guard against this insipid brand of tyranny, by entrusting our government to responsible officials ever-vigilant against the deadly gravities of technocratic power and industry money that would pull our nation away from democracy and humanity and into diabolical dystopian savagery:
“It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic system — ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society.”
During his half-century as a government official, Dr. Fauci has
utterly failed in this charge. As we shall see, he has used his
control of billions of dollars to manipulate and control scientific
research to promote his own, and NIAID’s, institutional
self-interest and private profits for his pharma partners to the
detriment of America’s values, her health and her liberties.
Of late, he has played a central role in undermining public health
and subverting democracy and constitutional governance around the
globe and in transitioning our civil governance toward medical
Just as President Eisenhower warned,
Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 response
has steadily deconstructed our democracy and elevated the powers of
a tyrannical medical technocracy.