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Born Free USA Statement on Escape of 43 Rhesus Macaques from South Carolina Laboratory

November 2024

Born Free USA is calling on its supporters and other concerned members of the public to join them in requesting the safe rehoming of these animals and support for their long-term care.

SIGN HERE: Tell Alpha Genesis Primate Research Center: Rehome Escaped Monkeys to the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary!

caged Rhesus Monkey

Born Free USA is a global leader in animal welfare and conservation and operates one of the largest accredited primate sanctuaries in the United States. The Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary is home to more than 200 monkeys rescued from exploitative situations, such as labs, zoos, and the pet trade. Following the disturbing news that 43 monkeys have escaped the Alpha Genesis research facility in South Carolina, the non-profit is calling on the company to work with its team to rehome the monkeys to their south Texas sanctuary.

Said Angela Grimes, CEO of Born Free USA:

 We are deeply concerned for the welfare of the 43 monkeys who have reportedly escaped from the Alpha Genesis facility in South Carolina. The monkeys are vulnerable, with no experience of living outside of their captive environment. As wild animals, they also pose a risk to humans, with a particular threat of zoonotic disease spread. We are reaching out to Alpha Genesis today to invite them to work with us to rehome the monkeys to sanctuary, where they can live out their days in safety. We await their response and encourage them to make the right decision to allow these monkeys a second chance at life, away from harm. We invite those who share our concerns to reach out to Alpha Genesis to ask them to support our urgent proposal.

Demand that the Monkeys Are Rehomed to Sanctuary!

Born Free USA is calling on its supporters and other concerned members of the public to join them in requesting the safe rehoming of these animals and support for their long-term care. 

Please join us today in contacting Alpha Genesis and asking them to do the right thing. These monkeys have been through enough – they should be given a second chance at life, away from harm, and under our expert care.

SIGN HERE: Tell Alpha Genesis Primate Research Center: Rehome Escaped Monkeys to the Born Free USA Primate Sanctuary!

Posted on December 16, 2024
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