How would people react to the realisation that by purchasing their lunch or dinner, they could be supporting animal experiments?
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It’s common knowledge that animals are farmed for food and clothing.
However, what will shock a lot of people is finding out that there
is long chain of animals who are used in animal experiments to help
bolster up and sustain the animal agriculture industry.
Cows, goats, pigs, crustaceans, and other animals are used in
gruesome experiments aimed at trying to increase the profits of
animal agriculture and prolong the life of this industry.
Imagine strolling down the meat aisle in your supermarket and seeing
‘this product has been tested on animals’ plastered all over the
frozen roast chickens or slices of ham… how would people react to
the realisation that by purchasing their lunch or dinner, they could
be supporting animal experiments?
It’s vital that people know about this strong, dark connection so
that we can make informed decisions as consumers and more
importantly, so we can use our purchasing powers to help end cruel
animal experimentation once and for all.