Even if the animals survive the experiments, as soon as they are too sick or torn apart, they’re killed — often by snapping their necks or decapitating them.
Laboratory caged Kitten
Behind closed laboratory doors, rabbits, primates, pigs, and even
dogs and cats are subjected to gruesome and often deadly experiments
— and their suffering is a mere afterthought if it is considered at
all. And even if the animals survive the experiments, as soon as
they are too sick or torn apart, they’re killed — often by snapping
their necks or decapitating them.
But you have the chance to make TWICE the impact for suffering
animals right now — and I hope you’ll take it. We’re fighting to end
inhumane animal experimentation and save millions of animals from a
cruel life and death in a research lab…
Some may call this “science,” but I call this abuse. To help stop
cruel animal testing, please take advantage of this $250,000
year-end match offer by making a generous, tax-deductible donation
now. Your gift will help advance our fight to enact laws that will
protect animals from being used in cruel, painful, needless
research, ensure rigorous oversight of research facilities that keep
animals, and protect the rights of whistleblowers to expose the
truth of animal experimentation.
With you beside us, we are making progress against cruel animal
testing. In addition to our victory over SUNY, the Animal Legal
Defense Fund helped to advance a bill in New Jersey that prohibits
the sale of certain products that have been tested on animals. The
bill was signed into law by Governor Murphy and goes into effect on
March 1, 2022!
But there’s still more work to be done. The Animal Legal Defense
Fund filed lawsuits against the University of Wisconsin, which hosts
a National Primate Research Center, and the National Institutes of
Health (NIH) for violating the First Amendment by censoring online
criticism about animal testing. Additionally, we’re working to hold
the U.S. Department of Agriculture legally accountable for failing
to uphold the law and fully inspect facilities where animals are
kept and experimented on.