Please call HSUS and demand they have staff onsite to ensure care for the dogs and ensure Envigo isn't selling the dogs for experimentation. Please call HSUS at: (866) 720-2676.
On July 8, 2022, SHARK President Steve Hindi flew a drone to view the cages at the infamous Envigo where beagles (pictured below) have suffered and died for years.
Further review of Steve's drone footage shows rows and rows of empty cages. Why is that?
Please call HSUS and demand they have staff onsite to ensure care for the dogs and ensure Envigo isn't selling the dogs for experimentation.
Please call HSUS at: (866) 720-2676.
More info from Animals 24-7, July 11, 2022:
Located about five miles due east of Cumberland, Virginia, at 482
Frenches Store Road, the eleven kennel buildings in question have
for more than 50 years bred beagles for biomedical research use.
U.S. District Judge Norman Moon on July 1, 2022 ordered that all of
the beagles still at Envigo be released to the Humane Society of the
United States within 60 days, and signed off on an evacuation plan
on July 5, 2022.
But whether the 4,000-odd beagles whom the Humane Society of the
U.S. is now planning to receive and parcel out among selected animal
shelters and rescue groups are really all of the beagles who were on
the premises a few months earlier is open to question.