Vegan lifestyle articles that discuss ways of living in peace with humans, animals, and the environment.
As well as personal, ethical reasons, Laurence’s transition from dairy and beef farming to veganic cereal growing was influenced by environmental factors.
Laurence in a field of barley
An interview with Laurence Candy of Northwood Farm
Death informs our relationship to life. Between 2017 and 2019, Laurence
Candy of Northwood Farm in Dorset experienced numerous catastrophic events.
It began by the loss of almost the entire dairy herd to bovine tuberculosis.
Life-threatening family illnesses followed, and then the tragic loss of his
Seeing his own father in ICU was devastating for Laurence; at that point, an
internal shift occurred:
“I remember I had some beef animals to sell, but I couldn’t do it; this
was probably the first time I had to fight with my conscience.”
The experience stayed with Laurence and became the starting point in his
journey to stock-free farming:
“I can honestly say, it’s time I should stop keeping animals. Having
seen life taken away, it’s not healthy for me to keep having to send animals
to market. It only magnifies those experiences. Farmers run businesses, but
at the end of the day we are human beings.”
Northwood Farm’s rich biodiversity
Northwood Farm’s rich biodiversity
Conventional to Organic to Veganic
As well as personal, ethical reasons, Laurence’s transition from dairy and
beef farming to veganic cereal growing was influenced by environmental
In 2019, Laurence had begun the conversion from conventional farming to
organic. At the time, changing supermarket requirements would have meant a
large financial investment in the farm with a subsequent increase in herd
size to cover costs. Laurence was aware of the environmental impact that a
larger, more intensive enterprise would have, as well as how the
agrochemicals used on the farm affected its biodiversity, soil, and carbon
footprint. Laurence chose instead to add value to the dairy enterprise by
producing organic milk. By the autumn of 2020, however, the demand for
organic milk had fallen and Laurence’s contract ended. It was time to look
for other options.
Contrary to popular farming narratives, Laurence had heard that it was
possible to farm organically without livestock. Whilst browsing the
internet, he happened upon the Vegan Organic Network (VON). He was pleased
to find a vegan community who not only supported organic agriculture but
also understood that conventional (non-organic) stock-free systems are not
the answer due to the harmful chemicals that kill the soil and the organisms
in it. VON certified growers who produced with no animal inputs, no animal
outputs and, of course, no agrochemicals.
Laurence had suspected that livestock was non-essential to organic farming based upon his own experience. As a mixed enterprise, Northwood farm had produced a yearly maize crop. Laurence had noticed that despite putting slurry and farmyard manure on the fields every winter, the soil continued to deteriorate. When the decision was made to reseed the fields back to grass and clover, which was then left for seven years, the soil regained its structure, and the weed problem was eliminated. It was the grass and clover that reconditioned the soil, not the livestock.
Uncharted Territory
Organic farms operate on a system of rotation. For example, a six-year
rotation could consist of: one year of winter wheat, followed by winter
oats, then a year of fava beans, then spring wheat, then two years of
grass/clover leys to regenerate the soil before beginning the cycle again.
The regenerative phase is critical to the sustainability of the system.
As Laurence pondered the shift to veganic production, a question arose: in
the absence of livestock, how would a veganic farmer fund the regenerative
phase of the rotation? A mixed organic farmer would typically graze the leys
and then sell the cows for beef; or, in the absence of stock, cut and sell
the grass for hay or silage. With livestock out of the picture, how could he
afford to potentially put one third of the farm to grass for two years? He
posed the question to VON who had some suggestions, but none that Laurence
felt confident employing on his land. He was determined to solve this
In January of 2021, Laurence contacted Farmers For Stock-Free Farming with
this and other questions. Laurence had bought the 134-hectare farm in 2004
just months before land prices escalated. Prior to this, his parents had
been tenant farmers of Eton College. It was the right move; however,
Laurence was still paying a large mortgage in addition to loans on machinery
and infrastructure. In its heyday, the farm had milked 200 cows for which it
received a monthly income. Moreover, the beef ‘followers’ provided ready
cash whenever it was needed. How, if he got rid of the livestock, would he
meet his monthly expenses and bridge the gap between sowing the first
veganic winter cereals and harvesting them the following year? Besides, if
he did produce veganic cereals, was there even a market for them?
Laurence was keen to chat to other UK farmers who were growing cereals
veganically to see how they had tackled these challenges. Did we know any?
After confidently looking in all the right places for a couple of weeks, we
found no one. No one knew of anyone currently growing cereals without animal
inputs, outputs, or agrochemicals. And, no, there was no recognised market
for veganic products.
By now, though, Laurence had discovered too much to turn back. He had
learned that crops could be grown without animal inputs. More than that, it
was an essential environmental step:
“There’s no way of saying ‘business as usual’. It’s about telling the
truth at the end of the day and facing the facts. We’ve got to get to net
zero as soon as possible and that will mean a reduction in global livestock
numbers; there’s no other way of doing it in the timescale. We are going to
have to adopt more plant-based diets very soon.”
Laurence was a pioneer in uncharted territory, and we committed to take the
journey with him.
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