The case became a media event, appearing in all the national news programs. Due to the seriousness of the facts, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of the Interior and the company filed a lawsuit. All of them asked for sentences ranging from 10 years to life imprisonment.
The Susaron case is the name given by the Chilean press to the
arrest of 4 comrades accused of having set fire to trucks, the meat
packing plant and the sales room of the Susaron butcher’s shop. This
company is nationally known for producing important imports and
exports of pork, beef and chicken.
On September 18, 2022, the comrades entered the main branch of
Susaron and set fire to the trucks that were on the premises. As a
result of the spread of the fire, the meat packing plant and the
sales room were also burned. Due to an investigation, on November 3,
2022, their homes were raided and the 4 comrades were arrested in
different places. The following day they were taken into custody and
remanded in custody for the crime of arson, and two of them for
possession of ammunition.
The case became a media event, appearing in all the national news
programs. Due to the seriousness of the facts, the Public
Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministry of the Interior and the company
filed a lawsuit. All of them asked for sentences ranging from 10
years to life imprisonment.
At present, all the comrades have been convicted.
The first was Itamar, sentenced in March 2024 to 5 years of
intensive probation for the crime of arson. She will have to serve
the remainder of her sentence in freedom, discounting the time she
served in prison.
On August 5, 2024, Panda was sentenced to 4 and a half years for the
crime of arson and possession of ammunition. He will have to serve
the remainder of his sentence in prison. He is currently in the
Colina I prison.
On October 7, 2024, Tortuga was sentenced to 5 years for the crime
of arson and possession of ammunition, but he could serve his
sentence under intensive probation. Therefore, he is serving the
remainder of his sentence. On October 7, 2024, Ru was sentenced to 5
years for the crime of arson. Having to serve the sentence in
prison. He is currently in the Santiago 1 prison, awaiting his
transfer to the Colina I prison.
Antispeciesist nihilist prisoners from the susaron case to the
You can find press releases and updates on the case on the
solidarity committee’s page @solidaridad.antiespecista.