These rodeos do not provide any veterinary care, which is required under Illinois law. Rodeo riders grab their tails, an extension of the spine, twisting it around the contestants spurred boots, the contestant speeds off on his horse, slamming the steer violently to the ground.
Cris Dorado whipping another contestants horse
We want to update you on our tireless fight against animal cruelty
at rodeos in Illinois. We are taking on rodeos in Will, McHenry,
Boone, LaSalle and Ogle Counties. SHARK's use of drone video has
been instrumental in providing evidence to law enforcement and the
media of these criminal acts against steers and horses.
These rodeos contract with an Iowa livestock company to bring
healthy, young animals to Illinois only to inflict broken bones,
degloving (where the skin is ripped off the end of the tail), broken
horns, and other serious injuries.
These rodeos do not provide any
veterinary care, which is required under Illinois law. Rodeo riders
grab their tails, an extension of the spine, twisting it around the
contestants spurred boots, the contestant speeds off on his horse,
slamming the steer violently to the ground.
Cris Dorado whipping his own horse
These large animals are just racing for their lives. When a steers’
tail is degloved, it causes extreme pain and puts the animal at
immense risk for infection. When an animal's horn is broken or
damaged, it will remain that way forever. As an extension of the
skull, horns are permanent, and do not grow back. Some animals are
paralyzed, and left to suffer for hours without any care.
Chicago media has taken interest in reporting rodeo cruelty using
SHARK's videos as evidence. And that has led to more interest by law
enforcement. Just this week, Will County State's Attorney, James
Glasgow, announced criminal charges against a rodeo rider who SHARK
caught on video repeatedly whipping his horse, and others'
horses, in
their faces. See the FOX News story
Steer severely injured after a run at an event in Lockport, Il.
This steer was ignored the remainder of the rodeo.