A Meat and Dairy Article from All-Creatures.org

Stop Saying "Dairy is Dying"

From Connie Spence
Facebook posting, June 22, 2022

Dairy drinking decline is happening. Dairy would have collapsed in 2011 had these fail-proof economic mechanisms not been in place.

cow's teats
A milking cluster hangs behind a cow who has just been milked, dripping milk into a puddle on the floor at a dairy farm. Image from WeAnimalsMedia

Stop saying it.

Dairy is a fixed price system since 1949.

Mix that with margin protection and they literally cannot lose a dime.

No matter the reason.

milk cow statistics

Stop saying it.

Now they are monetizing their cow's poop thru selling "energy" which is going to incentivize them to grow their herds.

Stop saying it's decreasing.

We all want it to really bad.

But, dairies shutting down has never been an indicator of production. It's an indicator of consolidation to factory farms.

Dairy drinking decline is happening. Dairy would have collapsed in 2011 had these fail proof mechanisms not happened.

Why is it so incredibly difficult to not discuss consumerism with dairy? It's not a consumer responsive model. At all. Not even a little bit.

Vegan capitalism isn't going to solve our problems here. Systemic change is.  

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