I despair, my narrative like a fish out of water.
Those familial and former friendships,
now full of mockery.
Yet I write, alone in darkness.
Writing for the light.
Rolled eyes
at my compassion, my sentimentality.
It has them, shaking their heads.
Yet I write, alone in darkness.
Writing for the light.
Sniggering with ignorance. Hating of – me.
Accusations fly widely.
Yes, they say I’m - wrong.
Fool, sing another song.
Yet I write, alone in darkness.
Writing for the light.
Philip Wollen’s words wash over me,
‘Veganism is on the right side of history.’
And of hope ignited, I wake again.
No suffering of mine,
can ever match, non-human animal pain.
So, I will always fight.
Even if in darkness, alone.
For their plight.
Writing for the light.
[Quote taken from ‘The Business of Kindness’ (Philip Wollen)]
Art © J.H. Dickinson
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