Andrew PellThe Baptiser
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

The Baptiser
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

He was a man who preached in the desert about repentance.
A man who immersed people in water to cleanse them from their sins,
He knew they were under a sentence from God.
His message was simple, he knew deep in his heart, that someone greater would follow.
People needed to repent today, not tomorrow.
If they didn’t repent there would be great sorrow.
Jesus came to be baptised but he was a man without sin.
Jesus followed the law and did what his Father in heaven needed him to do,
He set the example, he followed the law.
God said “this is my beloved son who I am well pleased”
John preached against immorality and greed.
His mission was simple, it was his creed.
He cared about people and he wanted to help those who wanted to be free.
He was captured, imprisoned and eventually beheaded.
His work was done.
“Shine forth, and let thy light restore.
Earth’s own true loveliness once more “

(c) Andrew Pell 19/08/2018


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