Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Even through the darkest night the dawn must follow.
As any day follows night there will always be tomorrow,
If we are feeling down or depression.
Or worried about and economic recession
At the first light of day catch a wonderful vision.
Things don’t always have to be here when they appear at first sight.
Imagine a summers day at first light.
A new beginning, a different thought when our senses are moved.
The heart and mind find peace, our mind is soothed.
The problem may still be there, but you now have the peace to deal with
The sun is shining, you notice the birds are singing,
When you are trapped in darkness and despair,
Remember God and someone special does care.
© Andrew Pell
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Breathe in the knowing that all is truly well in your life
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