Andrew PellThe Church Victorious
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

The Church Victorious
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

The Great Church will always be victorious.
God will always prevail.
Evil and Sin will one day disappear.
There will shine a glorious day without evil or fear.
Poverty will be no more.
Under Christ’s rule a new era will begin.
Imagine a world without evil or sin.
Christ will reign and be the true King.
We will all wake up to a glorious day.
Pray to God while there is still time.
Such peace and harmony you will truly find.
Talk to a stranger today and be loving and kind.
Prophecy will fade away.
The Sun will rise on a glorious day.

© Andrew Pell 14/01/2022

stained glass Jesus

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