Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
God took on human form and walked on this Earth.
In the name of Christ he performed many miracles.
He healed the blind and raised the dead.
The poor and hungry he spiritually fed.
He showed the power and Love God had for all his creation.
The word was sent and meant for every single nation.
Ordinary People felt and experienced the Divine Love.
This Divine Love came from high above.
This message was for everyone for eternity.
The Divine Love was for everyone who was thirsty for the truth.
Embrace the truth and the Word.
Read the Holy Scriptures today.
Embrace it, cherish it, love and read God’s word that will set you free.
Accept this Divine gift now before it is too late.
This gift is freely given to everyone who will cherish and accept it
God holds the eternal Key.
© Andrew Pell 16/12/2020
(This image is in the Public Domain)
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