Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Even in the darkest night there will always be a bright shining light.
Though the darkness deepens, there will always be a beautiful new day.
God and his Angels will always have the final say.
We may feel we are in a darkness, But God’s messengers knows what’s best.
If we confess to God, he will forgive us and we will be truly blest.
God’s light will always penetrate the darkest hour and the darkest night.
We will awake in the morning to a most dazzling morning light.
Those whom we have upset, pray for them.
Talk to them and seek forgiveness.
Then God will forgive us,
God’s Angels knows our thoughts and are ready to come to us if we pray.
We do not see them, but God has sent them to help us this very day.
When we are feeling down, pray that an Angel may come and lift us up.
We cannot see them, but we know they are there.
God sends them because God does care.
Peace will come and the darkness will dissipate.
When God intervenes and lifts us up, Give thanks and Celebrate.
The light will shine in the darkness, God’s Angels are always there and
never late.
God and his heavenly throng looks after us and will lift us up high, when we
are down.
The Angels walk with us and takes us by our hand,
With God everything is planned, now I understand.
(c) Andrew Pell 17/11/2019
(This picture is in the Public Domain)
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