Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
I will be the light in the darkness.
Christ’s commission was not to settle for less.
Be a bright light that will never be extinguished.
God’s work through us is never finished.
Be like Christ and connect to everyone.
Even with a warm smile the battle is won.
God is teaching us what we must do.
God can make all things new.
A smile, a handshake is all it takes.
It is the lost and lonely, God will not forsake.
We are all ambassadors of God’s great plan.
When you think about it, it is not a huge demand.
Give your hand in friendship and love.
Ensure God’s love shines bright from above.
We can all be part of the logos.
The logos can shine in all of us.
I will be the light in the darkness.
A great commission that is truly blest,
The saints of God never rest.
© Andrew Pell 25/11/2011
Go on to Jehovah let your Name ring out through
the entire world
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