Andrew PellJehovah Reigns
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Jehovah Reigns
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

Jehovah’s name is sacred.
Call upon his sacred name and he will be there and never late,
He beckons us to pray to him, any day, any night.
Imagine God walking with us each and every day.
As he walked with Adam and Eve in that garden so long ago,
Talk to Jehovah today and pray to him for God is very real.
Jehovah is not some fabricated entity making us feel safe.
He governs the Universe and he keeps the heavens in place.
As part of his Divine plan, he created the human race.
Sin entered in that beautiful world that God gave to Adam and Eve.
From that beautiful Paradise they had to leave.
Centuries later God sent a flood to destroy all the wicked.
The Evil ones perished as the flood cleansed the Earth.
The water gradually subsided.
Abraham’s family and descendents multiplied and filled the whole earth.
How beautiful was this new start for the Human race,
Because our Loving God gave us a second chance.
Jehovah’s name is great.

(c) Andrew Pell 06/05/20204


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