Andrew PellLo the Lamb so long expected
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Lo the Lamb so long expected
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

(A paraphrase on the Hymn – "Hark a Herald Voice is sounding")

This poem foretells Christ’s return to Earth,
The Earth will be regenerated and experience a complete rebirth.
The Lord will come in all majesty and might.
Like sudden lightning, his hand will strike.
The Earth has suffered a horrendous war.
With a nuclear War, there would be no tomorrow.
So many nations would have been destroyed,
If the War was not cut short,
The world now wakened by a sudden warning.
Coupled by lightning that flashed from East to West,
Christ will stop the destruction and punish the wicket.
Evil was rampant and nations were spiritually blinded.
Let us haste with tears of sorrow..
Visualize a world with no food and structure in total chaos.
Yet we have the ability to put a spacecraft on Mars.
Or send a satellite to furthest stars.
The world now wrapped in terror and great fear.
For the sake of the elect, Christ will suddenly appear.
The earth will be regenerated.
God and the Christ will be venerated.
There will be no more days of hatred, starvation and sorrow.
Mankind can look to a brand new tomorrow,
God shall wipe away every tear from our eyes.
There will be a new heaven and a new Earth.
“Ye Amen, Let the entire world adore you O Lord of Hosts”.

(c) Andrew Pell 11/04/2020


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