Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
God reaches out to us, so let us reach out to God
We are afraid because we think he beats us into submission with an iron rod.
This is not true because Got reaches out to us in total love.
He came to Jesus as a beautiful white dove.
Without God, creation would not exist.
Those who are spiritually blind would argue and resist.
He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
Heaven and earth come together in a beautiful blend.
Look to the heavens above and see the wonders of his name.
God is not there for fortune and fame,
This is not some heavenly game.
God’s total and complete love brings light to the earth and constellations
yet without form.
On earth he brings blessings through a simple rain storm.
O Magnify the Lord with thee.
He opens all our eyes that we may truly see.
God has unlocked the mysteries and given mankind the key.
(c) Andrew Pell 07/05/2018
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O Still small Voice of Calm
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