Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
There are two key elements in any project time frame.
Of course, the results from the various stages may not be the same.
The results may also be inconclusive.
These calculations would make you very pensive.
Each stage would take many hours of your time.
If that stage goes overtime, it could place you in a bind.
God is also observable and measurable.
He is observable, because he is there for all.
He is measurable because he would never let you fall.
God's spiritual data will never change.
God could never be confined to a small empirical range.
God's measurement of love goes off the scale.
He doesn't want any of us to fail.
God created the physical laws that put the universe in place.
God then created the human race.
God is observable and measurable.
© Andrew Pell 22/03/11
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