Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
In Songs of everlasting Praise
Our hearts and voice we raise.
Eternally to gaze and give thanks to the King of Kings,
Robed in glory, robed in light,
No more darkness, no more night.
Multi Universes and sub universes continually praise and give thanks to the
divine source.
Every microsecond is controlled by The Lord of Lords seated on the heavenly
We are privileged to what is given and beautifully known.
Sub universes in Cosmic praise.
All homage to the heavenly King of Kings
His praises night and day we will forever sing.
Who can stand before the Throne of the most high,
The wisdom and forgiveness will make us truly fly.
We are sons of the most high.
A Royal status confirmed to us at birth.
We are blessed and sons of this planet earth,
“And God shall wipe away all tears, all tears from our eyes.”
(c) Andrew Pell, 03/12/2018
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