Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
The Sun is setting on a daily basis.
The beauty of the sunset, a panoramic oasis,
Industry quiets, commerce retires for the evening rest.
God on his throne, twilight appears at his behest.
How majestic is the physics of night and day.
Forever the divine principles come into play.
The setting sun is unfathomless beauty.
Retiring hearts, restful souls eternal governance.
Softly now the light of day makes way for the evening stars,
Resounding together in a cosmic chorus.
Serenading evening muses.
The nocturnal inhabitants serenade the King of Kings.
The moon such romance and gladness it brings.
Rest for a weary soul.
Only God can control.
Cosmic interstellar physics at its best,
Yet tired hearts find peace in the evening rest.
The day is now ending, the darkness draweth nigh.
All orchestrated by the Eternal God on high.
© Andrew Pell 15/02/2013
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