Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
The cross symbolizes life and light.
The cross chases away the darkest night.
The cross transcends all time and space.
The cross is where we can meet God face to face.
The power of the cross brings hope to the downcast.
The power of the cross will always last.
It is the stabilizing power of a ships mast.
A symbol for all time and eternity,
The power of the cross can set us free.
The cross enables us to walk without fear.
It is the symbol that God is ever near.
The power of the cross heals.
This is signed with God’s holy Seal.
The power of the cross casts away all evil.
It transforms the person to be kind and civil.
The power of the cross brings life to all.
It holds us tight so we never fall.
The cross shines a divine radiance.
The cross emits a beautiful fragrance.
Walk in the power of the cross.
Let all negativity fall away like dross.
The cross did herald in a new age.
The cross has left its mark on history’s page.
© Andrew Pell 01/10/2011
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