Andrew PellWe can all be like St. Francis
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

We can all be like St. Francis
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

A simple man that was divinely in tuned to all life, love and prayer.
All living creatures revered this man because of his simple faith.
He was not concerned with food and shelter, he knew God would provide.
Even when he met the pope for validation of his holy Order,
The Pope was awe struck by the humbleness and purity of this simple Monk.
It was a long journey but it was one that he had to undertake.
He understood that God loved all creatures, the sick and the infirmed.
His followers begged him to turn around and go another way.
When he came across the Lepers, he stopped embraced and kissed them.
He knew that God would protect him because of his faithfulness and love.
He expressed and experienced God’s divine mercy and calling.
We can all be like St. Francis each and every day.
Every morning pray to God, God will show us the way.

© Andrew Pell 09/12/2020

St. Francis

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