Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
How sad we feel and how disappointed we become.
Our mind and our heart become numb.
We feel the pain and sorrow of being let down.
We walk around with an inward frown.
Even when they talk to us nothing is ever quite the same.
It is as if they are playing some subliminal game.
But in the end the reality will dawn upon them,
And what happens then.
They will try to recapture of the status that we held them in before.
But now there is a missing element of trust and hope.
It gets put into the hard basket because we do not know how to cope.
Turn to God, turn to prayer and embrace family and friends that love you and
care for you.
Friends that continually let you down are not really friends at all.
Pray to God for peace and understanding.
God will walk with you daily, never demanding.
God will bring beautiful and loving people to share your journey.
Be at peace the darkness is now gone, the light has come.
© Andrew Pell 07/03/2021
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