Prayer for the Annual Season of Nonviolence
The annual season of nonviolence began on 30th January. This is the 64 day- long Season that begins with the assassination of Gandhi on 30th January and ends on 4th April, the day that Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. The Season was co-founded by Arun Gandhi and The Association for Global New Thought in 1998 and is now inspiring people worldwide to teach and learn about nonviolence.
As we often do, let us join this powerful worldwide intention to bring peace and nonviolence to the world. Our job, as voices for the animals, will be to hold strongly to the vision of a world of nonviolence for all beings. Let us join in this energy field of nonviolence with millions of other people and include in our vision a picture of nonviolence being given to all.
Our Prayer for the Season of Nonviolence to be Vegan
Divine Intelligence, we ask for help, strength and wisdom to do our part to create a truly nonviolent, vegan world. May we take every opportunity during this sacred time to help people see that we cannot create a world of peace and nonviolence as long as the human family is committing relentless violence against billions of our fellow earthlings. Help us to live our truth so joyfully and fully that others are attracted to that joy. We pray for the beauty and serenity of veganism to bless every human being and every single animal. May this Season of Nonviolence be the one that brings the truth - that veganism IS nonviolence - home to every heart.
Apprehend God in all things For God is in all things Every creature is full
of God and is a book about God. Every creature is a word of God!
- Meister
May the animals all feel the vibrations of love for them growing ever stronger. May all be loved, joyful, and free. Please know that by joining this circle of compassion and shining the Light of Truth for all to see, you are hastening the advent of a new world of freedom and ahimsa for all beings.
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