"We are dedicated to cruelty-free living through a vegetarian - vegan lifestyle. Let no animal suffer or die that we may live!"
Baked Butternut Squash with Saba Cooking Banana Stuffing makes a great main dish treat for Thanksgiving or any other festive meal.
Pictured above is a large stuffed half of a butternut squash which makes a great main dish by itself when served with a large tossed salad. If you desire to have other dishes for a festive meal, we suggest that you use smaller butternut squash, so that each person is served their own half, and still has room on their plate for the other recipes that have been prepared.
For cooking one large or two small stuffed butternut squash, they can be covered and baked in the microwave oven in about 30-40 minutes on high heat. If using a glass baking pan, cover tightly with plastic wrap. For a larger number of butternut squash, we suggest baking them in a conventional oven at 350 degrees F. in a covered baking pan until the squash flesh is soft, which will take about an hour or a little longer.
We usually make the stuffing the day before, or earlier in the day.
Begin by thoroughly washing the butternut squash. Place the squash on a cutting board, and with a large sharp knife, split the squash lengthwise.
Using a small stuff spoon, scoop out the seeds and set them aside for making Toasted Squash Seeds. Their great!
Firmly pack the stuffing into the seed cavity of each butternut squash half, and sprinkle some cinnamon on the squash surface, avoiding the stuffing, so that you don't change the flavor.
Place in the oven to bake.
When they are baked, serve and enjoy!
above recipe is in keeping with God's creation intent (Genesis 1:29-31):
'Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every
tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the
earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-- everything that
has the breath of life in it-- I give every green plant for food." And it was so. God saw all
that he had made, and it was very good.' (NIV) Let no animal suffer or die that we may live!