"We are dedicated to cruelty-free living through a vegan lifestyle. Let no animal suffer or die that we may live!"
Green beans chick pea pasta is a delicious vegan and gluten-free recipe that will delight the whole family. Preparation time is about 15 minutes, and cooking time is about 30 minutes. This recipe will serve 2-4 people. Leftovers can be stored in a covered dish or container in the refrigerator for a few days without loss of flavor.
Begin by putting the pasta pot on the stovetop with water and bring to a boil.
While the water is heating, peel and dice the onions and put them in a covered microwaveable dish. Clean and cut the green beans and add to the covered dish, or add the frozen beans, add the seasonings, mix, cover, and cook until the onions become semi-translucent.
When the water in the pasta pot begins to boil, add the chick pea shells, and mix until the water returns to a rolling boil, then turn off the heat, cover and let stand on the stovetop until the pasta softens to your liking; then drain the chick pea pasta in a colander.
When the pasta and veggie sauce are cooked, mix together, and serve with a large tossed salad.
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above recipe is in keeping with God's creation intent (Genesis 1:29-31):
'Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every
tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the
earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-- everything that
has the breath of life in it-- I give every green plant for food." And it was so. God saw all
that he had made, and it was very good.' (NIV) Let no animal suffer or die that we may live!