If we call an activity "play" for mammals, is it also play and fun for bees?
Ball-rolling action. The nine panels show the sequence of a
ball-rolling action over time lasting, in this instance,
approximately 4 s (timestamps in red at top left). The bee (a)
approaches the wooden colored ball while facing it, (b) touches the
ball with her forelegs, (c) holds onto the ball using all of her
legs, (d–h) rolls the ball past the yellow ball and (i) finally
detaches from and leaves the ball. Source: "Do bumble bees play?,"
Open access, Creative Commons, CC BY 4.0
Bees are amazing animals. Detailed studies show that they enjoy rich
and deep social, cognitive, and emotional lives. They display
dopamine-based positive emotions, get depressed, anxious, and
pessimistic, are able to solve rather complex problems with which
they're confronted, and their complex and enigmatic minds are hard
at work both inside and outside of their hives.1
I've long been interested in the evolution and ecology of play
behavior in various animals, especially canids (members of the "dog
family")—what it looks like, what it's good for, and it is more
common among younger members of a given species—and a recent study
on bumble bees shows that object manipulation—specifically
ball-rolling—fulfills criteria that researchers use to define object
play.2 But do bees really play? Are they having fun when they roll
balls here and there?
A rigorous study by Hiruni Samadi Galpayage Dona, who works at the
School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences at Queen Mary
University of London (UK), and her colleagues called "Do bumble bees
play?" The detail with which this study was conducted sets a great
example and a high bar for future studies in this and other areas of
cognitive ethology.
The researchers asked the following three questions.
Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.