Though Charlotte will never be able to use her leg injusred from the snare, her other three legs have become strong from running up and down the rolling hills of the farm. When she’s not being active, her favorite napping spot is a thick pile of leaves in the shade of the tall bamboo stalks.
Charlotte was a young piglet living with her mother and thirteen siblings on
a hog farm, where they were being fattened for slaughter. One day, the whole
family of pigs escaped and made their way to Hana Highway where they began
grazing in the tall grass near the road. Hunters quickly spotted the pigs
and began shooting them. Charlotte’s mother and many of her brothers and
sisters were killed by the bullets; but, before long, the hunters were cited
for discharging firearms in the vicinity of traffic.
Thinking themselves clever, the hunters returned the next day to set snares.
Charlotte was soon caught, and she sustained a compound fracture of her leg.
But a kindhearted soul came to her rescue—freeing her and thereby saving her
life—before the hunters were able to claim her for their dinner.
The rescuer took Charlotte home and provided food and love, but
unfortunately didn’t seek veterinary care for her. A month later, Charlotte
was brought to Leilani Farm Sanctuary. Our veterinarian rushed over to
examine her and take x-rays of her leg, but it was too late. The bone had
already calcified in a crooked position.
Though Charlotte will never be able to use the injured leg, her other three
legs have become strong from running up and down the rolling hills of the
farm. When she’s not being active, her favorite napping spot is a thick pile
of leaves in the shade of the tall bamboo stalks.
Settled into her home at Leilani Farm Sanctuary, Charlotte has delicious and
nutritious food every day, friends to play with, mud baths to soak in, and
loving sanctuary caregivers to lovingly watch over her day and night to keep
her safe from harm.
Charlotte and so many other animals the Sanctuary have been saved from
horror—and, instead, given lifelong sanctuary. Charlotte’s life is the kind
of life we wish for every animal to enjoy.
At Leilani Farm Sanctuary, we will continue to educate visitors about the
cruelty of animal agriculture, so that animals like Charlotte never have to
face the butcher’s knife.
Posted on May 23, 2024
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