Flock of Kaporos Victims Brought Home to Safety
Animal Stories from All-Creatures.org


Woodstock Farm Sanctuary
October 2016

[For more about Kaporos, please visit Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos]

kaporos chickens rescued
Chickens were kept warm through the night.

Kaporos is a five-day ritual celebrated by some ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities on the public streets of Brooklyn prior to Yom Kippur.

Practitioners symbolically "transfer" their sins to a young rooster or hen by swinging the bird around their head while reciting a passage, and then the chicken is slaughtered. Many communities choose to use bags of coins instead of live birds but a number persist in this animal cruelty.

Those who were rescued this year were in bad shape – barely breathing and weak from lack of food and dehydration. These poor chickens had suffered for days stuffed in cramped crates, unable to stretch their wings or move comfortably. Unprotected from the elements, they were exposed to the wind, rain, and cold night air. They had no one to care for their injuries.

Our dedicated caregivers, Hervé and Gabriella, were on the ground for triage, giving urgent care to the “leftovers”.

triage for chickens
Caregiver Hervé provides urgent care to the rescued birds.

saving kaporos chickens
Birds are in critical condition and need your help.

The pair stayed up all night, working tirelessly to help as many rescued chickens as possible. Many had protruding and broken bones, open sores, smashed toes, and other injuries. Some passed away in the arms of those who fought so desperately for their freedom.

We’re so thankful we were able to bring a small flock of survivors home to sanctuary. Sadly, one of the chickens passed away days after we got her. We did our best to ensure a full recovery but despite our best efforts, she passed away suddenly. While the others are safe from the ritual, they are still in critical condition in our Sanctuary Hospital and need around-the-clock care.

Please give today to give these sweet chickens a new beginning. It’s because of your support that we are able to rehabilitate them and give them a loving home.

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