In order to achieve maximum reach and impact, we chose four key areas to address which encompass the challenges that the planet is facing through biodiversity loss and climate change.
The goal of the network is to focus on issues affecting animals, people and the environment by using education to address, highlight and resolve harmful practices. My vision is that the CCN will instigate long term sustainable change and accelerate positive change in Asia.
We invited selected Asian non-governmental organisations to join the
network to promote a shift in behaviour patterns amongst consumers
in Asia. The idea for the CCN was born from my years of working in
the region, the success that ACTAsia has witnessed in our fur free
Consumer Education programme in China and driven by a hunger to
accelerate and extend impact across Asia.
Asian solutions for Asian problems
I am passionate about bringing together dynamic leadership and
strong partnerships with Asian entities to reduce animal
consumption, harm to humans and environmental damage by promoting
responsible consumption and sustainable lifestyles.
I believe that raising consumer awareness and corporate responsibility in production and consumption is key to the CCN with the aim of increasing recognition, interest and acceptance of sustainable plant-based diets and reducing the use of animals in everyday life.
Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.