The conference has evolved from one that admitted to all tactics in the struggle so that attendees could choose what they support, to a shill for large organizations preaching strategies that only ensure animals will never be free, in order to maintain their own social status and big salaries... At the very least, alternative viewpoints and strategies should be highlighted and supported.
Unfortunately, after having been previously promised a chance to
display books and merchandise and discuss direct action, the Animal
Liberation Press Office won't have a chance to see all of you at the
upcoming AVA Animal Rights Conference in Washington DC later this
month. The AVA Summit scheduled for Washington DC on October 20-23
notified the Press Office yesterday that, for the first time in more
than 20 years, we are not welcome to table at the national
conference. Organizer of the conference Michael Webermann stated
that they no longer support illegal direct action, and that the
Press Office would no longer be allowed to display information,
books and merchandise, or discuss the issue, at the conference.
The prominent presence of HSUS and other welfarist organizations
lends a clue to this change in attitude, as the new entity replacing
FARM in organizing the conference, absent for the previous three
years, obviously prefers the large financial sponsorship of these
organizations, which have previously denounced direct action.
The conference has transformed into one supporting exclusively
sanctuaries, welfarist propaganda and promotion of well-funded
animal welfare organizations. Reducitarian and welfarist tactics are
a detriment to the movement; at the very least, alternative
viewpoints and strategies should be highlighted and supported. The
conference has evolved from one that admitted to all tactics in the
struggle so that attendees could choose what they support, to a
shill for large organizations preaching strategies that only ensure
animals will never be free, in order to maintain their own social
status and big salaries.
If anyone wants some risible explanation of our being banned after
20 years of advocating for animals, feel free to contact:
Michael Webermann
Program & Partnerships
Animal & Vegan Advocacy (AVA) Summit
(202) 630-6213
[email protected]