A Wildlife Article from All-Creatures.org

The 'Wolves in School' Program

From SpeciesUnite.com
February 2024

Designed to teach children about the importance of protecting wolves to maintain a balanced ecosystem, the Species Unite humane wolf education program is a crucial step in building a new generation of animal activists. Our goal is to expand this initiative to every state in the US, reaching hundreds of schools and over 100,000 students.

Get your Free Wolf Education Guide HERE.

Wolf and Cub

Be a Part of the Pilot Program

Species Unite is piloting our first ever humane education in schools program designed to teach children about the importance of protecting wolves to maintain a balanced ecosystem.

With help and lessons from TeachHEART.org, we have developed a 6-week curricula for grades 3-5 and lessons for grades 6-8 in collaboration with teachers across the country.

Receive a free Curricula including lesson plans

The curricula include lessons on empathy, conservation, wildlife, wolves, wolf packs, and the human relationship to wolves. The program will conclude with students having the opportunity to write letters to the Secretary of the Interior expressing their support for protecting wolves.

Be a Part of the Change for Wolves

We want to encourage 100,000 students to use their voices for wolves and send letters to the Department of the Interior requesting that wolves be relisted as endangered and given the protections they need.

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